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Ferrari: Massa remains stable, no further complications
Ferrari: have given an encouraging update on the condition of their driver Felipe Massa, reporting that the Brazilian remains 'stable' as he recovers from his horrible crash in qualifying for the Hungarian GP. In a statement, the team were able to report that Massa had suffered "no further complications" overnight after undergoing emergency surgery on his fractured skull on Saturday night. "After undergoing an operation yesterday afternoon, Felipe Massa's condition remains stable and there were no further complications through the night," said the Ferrari statement. "He will be given another CT scan today, which will provide more precise information."
Massa in 'stable but life-threatening condition'
Felipe Massa has been described as being in a "serious, life-threatening but stable" condition by the doctors who carried out emergency surgery on his fractured skull. Massa underwent surgery on Saturday night after being hurt in a high-speed crash during qualifying for the Hungarian GP. According to the Associated Press, 'Officials at the AEK military hospital said that Massa will be kept sedated on a respirator in an intensive care unit. 'Medical director Peter Bazso said at a news conference that "Massa's condition is serious, life-threatening but stable." 'Bazso and chief surgeon Lajos Zsiros say they expect Massa to be awoken Sunday.' The Brazilian was injured after being hit by a piece of debris that is believed to have fallen off the rear of Rubens Barrichello's Brawn. In a short statement released on Saturday night after Massa underwent surgery, Ferrari announced that the 'Outcome of the procedure was positive' and that their driver would remain in observation in intensive care. The team will release a further update on his condition on Sunday morning.
Massa has 'positive' emergency surgery on skull damage
Felipe Massa has undergone 'positive' emergency surgery after suffering skull damage and concussion in his high-speed accident during qualifying for the Hungarian GP. In a short statement, Ferrari confirmed that the 'Outcome of the procedure was positive' and that Massa would remain in observation in intensive care. Massa was injured after being hit by a piece of debris that is believed to have fallen off the rear of Rubens Barrichello's Brawn. He then, whilst already apparently unconscious in his Ferrari, slammed into a tyre wall. Ferrari will release a further update on his condition on Sunday morning. Immediately after he was air-lifted to hospital in Budapest, Ferrari revealed that their driver "was conscious at the arrival at the hospital and his general conditions remain stable. "Following a complete medical examination it emerged that he had suffered a cut on his forehead, a bone damage of his skull and a brain concussion. These conditions need to be operated on." It's believed that the force of the impact when Massa hit the tyre-wall resulted in a suspension failure that in turn caused the side of his helmet visor to be ripped off. Massa suffered cuts just above his left eye. The eye itself is not thought to have been damaged during the accident.
Massa serious but stable following surgery
Felipe Massa, struck by a component from Rubens Barrichello’s Brawn Mercedes in qualifying for the Hungarian Grand Prix, has undergone surgery this afternoon at the AEK hospital in Budapest. Massa sustained head injuries from the flying debris including facial cuts but more significantly a fractured skull and concussion. He remains in a ‘serious but stable’ condition the hospital has confirmed via the AFP news agency. The outcome of the procedure was 'positive' the Ferrari team has confirmed and the Brazilian is to remain under observation and in intensive care. His on track rivals have all rallied around following his accident. Countryman Barrichello visited the medical centre soon after the incident. “My position today is unimportant,” he said with reference to qualifying. “My thoughts right now are with Felipe and his family who are really close friends of mine and I hope he is going to be okay and will be fit as soon as possible.” Ferrari is expected to make a further medical update late Sunday morning. Earl ALEXANDER © CAPSIS International
Report Source:, Video Source: Astro Star Sports
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5 years ago
Que prazer em te ver "inteiro" na tv!
Preciso da sua ajuda!
Fui convidado, pelo meufilho, a participar de uma prova no Kartodromo da Granja, no próximo final de semana, de uma prova entre "moleques" .
Não posso fazer feio e preciso de algumas dicas, de sãopaulino para sãopaulino, espero que esta mensagem chegue até vc e que eu tenha retorno.
Mudando de pato para ganço, ouço estorias sobre vc há muito tempo. Tenho um amigo, o Paulo, que trabalhava na CAIO e estava sempre com vcnos seus primeiros karts.
Um forte abraço e torço muito pela sua recuperação. se puder me ajudar na brincadeira que terei com os meninos, serei eternamente grato.
Um forte abraço, do seu velho, tenho 52 anos, fâ.
Talvez voce leia este email se o fizer já estou agradecendo por antecipação.
Sou fã de sua abilidade e coragem desde o inicio de sua carreira sempre vi um diferencial em voce, o Brasil esta esperando um, idolo e já faz tempo.
Quero se pense nestas palavras quando estiver dentro do carro.
Eu posso dar um pouco a mais de mim que ainda não dei, eu posso vencer,eu posso ser diferente, eu vou tirar de dentro de mim esse pouco a mais, em cada curva em cada perseguição vou ser um pouco a mais.
Pense neste animal quando estiver dentro do carro (Leopardo) ele é implacavél em sua perseguição ele não desiste até alcançar o seu objetivo e voce deve ser igual eu sei que voce vai entender o que eu estou dizendo, veja os carros a sua frente como o Leopardo vê a presa e não desista até pegar e ultrapassar, não se sinta menor que seus oponentes, fale pra si mesmo eu vou vencer e voce vencerá.
Felipe se ler este email e puder responder vou ficar muito contente, se não puder responder mas conseguir usar minhas palavras nos momentos decisivos vou ficar contente do mesmo jeito porque sei que vai vencer. este é meu email caso queira responder ( abraços e não se esqueça das minhas palavras.
felipe, você acabar igual ao Rubinho....sendo um pé de chinelo....não pode deixar o alonso passar não...é contra a regra e vcs burlaram isso e todo mundo é um bundão...deixar o cara te passar pq a ferrari mandou e depois nega tudo...seu merdão...bundão...babaca!!!decepção do país!!!Senna nunca faria isso!!!
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